
  • To be a Puerto Rican or not to be?

    To be a Puerto Rican or not to be?

    Victor Figueroa was born in Puerto Rico, but when he was a baby, his family moved away to the United States. Consequently, Victor grew up learning American customs, leaving behind…

  • For some Samoans, a fight for U.S. citizenship

    For some Samoans, a fight for U.S. citizenship

    People living in United States territories are considered citizens, all except for residents of American Samoa. There the people are designated U.S. Nationals. As Nationals, American Samoans can fly freely…

  • Tyler Fisher becomes an Eagle Scout by helping LAX

    Tyler Fisher becomes an Eagle Scout by helping LAX

    Tyler Fisher has been part of the Boy Scouts organization since he was in second grade. Now he’s finally an Eagle Scout after supervising and building four goshawk traps for…

  • The Origin of the French Dip Sandwich

    The Origin of the French Dip Sandwich

    Despite its name, the French dip sandwich is an American cuisine born in 1908 Los Angeles. But its creation may have been an accident at one of downtown L.A.’s oldest…

  • “Legendary Bingo” in West Hollywood

    “Legendary Bingo” in West Hollywood

    In a restaurant in West Hollywood, people can eat a delicious burger, drink a 12-ounce magarita, and laugh at several dirty jokes all while playing bingo. Oh and lets not…

  • Carson Black History Month

    Carson Black History Month

    February is African American History Month, and in the city of Carson the occasion is especially symbolic where African Americans make up a quarter of the population. I attended the…

  • Charity open mic night for Typhoon Haiyan

    Charity open mic night for Typhoon Haiyan

    Southern California is home is the largest number of Filipino Americans in the U.S. Several Filipino organizations gathered at Hiccups Tea House to raise money for those devastated by Supertyphoon…

  • Long Beach Zombie Walk Festival

    Long Beach Zombie Walk Festival

    ZOMBIES ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!  They’re in our homes, on our computers and T-V sets…and even skating in roller derbies. Downtown Long Beach had it’s own zombie takeover the weekend before Halloween.…